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"Fintech Insights Chewable Under Thirty Seconds"

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2 learner in U
"Fintech Insights Chewable Under Thirty Seconds"
What is FINCUTS?
The current Fintech News 📰🗞️ is designed to serve those among us who have time and patience to
read through the news epics.
If a person is just interested in essential facts, there seems to be little for them.
FINCUTS by Tanya is your weekly dose of UK “Fintech Insights Chewable Under Thirty Seconds”
What is FINCUTS?
The current Fintech News 📰🗞️ is designed to serve those among us who have time and patience to
read through the news epics.
If a person is just interested in essential facts, there seems to be little for them.
FINCUTS by Tanya is your weekly dose of UK “Fintech Insights Chewable Under Thirty Seconds”

#22 FINCUTS (Record Breaking UK Funding H1 2021)
Because – the fintech companies have raised more from venture capital investors in the first six months of 2021 than in any other year. In H1 2021, it outstripped the total investment secured in 2020 by 34% and breaking the record year set in 2019 by 26%. (reports Innovate Finance)

#21 FINCUTS (Embedded Insurance)
According to the Swiss Re Institute, from 2000 to 2020 the #protectiongap doubled, and not to forget the #covid crisis exposed and exacerbated this situation.

#20. FINCUTS (The Modern History of APIs)
API Spotlight – Where are we?
The use of APIs has been exponentially growing in recent years with more and more people realizing that APIs connect the entire world.

#19. FINCUTS (Embedded Finance)
According to an article in Fintech Futures, Embedded Finance offers a very large addressable #market #opportunity worth over $7 trillion in ten years’ time, twice the combined value of the world’s top 30 #banks today

#18. FINCUTS (Green Fintech UK)
Can you tell which was killing more turtles: the plastic straw or your friend’s flight from London to Milan?

#17. FINCUTS (Crowdfunding)
Crowdfunding appears to be a modern invention but it can be traced back to the 1700s, when Jonathan Swift set up the Irish Loan Fund to provide loans to low-income families in Ireland.

#16. FINCUTS (The Quickest Billion Dollar Fintech’s Club)
Becoming a #unicorn 🦄 in the startup world is the ultimate achievement

#15. FINCUTS (Fintech Shutdowns in 2020)
A #google search on “why fintech startups fail” yields roughly 5.8 million results.
Some of you may have concluded that not making enough money is a symptom of failure if not the cause.